In search of utopia

These series of photographs are taken in collaboration with Patricio Villanueva 
A lot of my work revolves around the idea of weightlessness and achieving lightness of being. I think its the utopia of feeling states, an improbable state where no anxiety is experienced by anybody. Where bodies are so light they float. Things are in a state of levitation, surreality is real and nature blends into bodies. 
Patricio and I spoke a lot about our different versions of utopia and however different our versions may be they all involved the act of studying and playing with materiality. In his work he focuses a lot on the materiality of acrylic sheets, their scratches, their angles and their transparency. In this project we bring together motifs that are dear to us, the acrylic triangles from his world, and the diverse bodily pebbles from my work. Its an amalgamation of the organic and the inorganic, the future and ancient histories, weight and weightlessness. Its the coming together of science fiction and landscape. 

Under scrutiny: Microscopic worlds


Alaskan blue