Alaska 2018

These are a series of images taken in Alaska in 2018. I was very interested in how remote parts of the world display isolation and serenity. The amount of peace i felt around these Alaskan water bodies was also equally disrupted by the thought of these landscapes decaying. Ancient glaciers breaking and melting, ice shafts drifting away, national parks getting encroached, the flora and fauna getting affected by weather changes. I saw parts of Alaska through a cruise ship, as privileged as i felt looking at glacial waters through its windows, i felt guilty for having these experiences at the expense of these same landscapes changing.

Two images that spoke to me were one of the sea through the cruise window. Its the bars of the window, almost prison like showing how separated we are from nature. How curated our experiences are of its wilderness and how the inside seeps out and how the outside seeps into us. The image displays the same dichotomy, of peace and guilt.

The second image, probably my favourite one from my portfolio, is the image of the ice-burg that looks like a polar-bear. I think it captures the issues of climate change perfectly. How humans are affecting weather, how the weather is affecting glaciers and how these changes are killing animals. I the surreal quality of the image magical.


In search of utopia


Kashmiri body