Medium format darkroom experiments

These are images taken on a Mamiya Rz67, a 1200mm medium format film camera. During my time at RCA i learnt how to use the dark room and fell in love with the process. These were experimentations done with images taken in Battersea Park, my safe space in London. 
The first images resemble the backdrop, the plinth and the stage. objects of support, objects into which are is placed. To me they themselves are important concepts in art and need to be highlighted as the models themselves. 
The second set of images are individuals and couples in the park, seeing different kinds of connections under the sun. Understanding what the idea of safe spaces can mean to different people
Body on bench:
This experiment was done in the darkroom with images of a bench from battersea park and handmade cermic rocks. The rocks were the size of pebbles. I collaged the two together using an analogue process and in doing so fell in love with analogue photography and its hands on approach to image making.

Canyon woman


Under scrutiny: Microscopic worlds